Sometimes you don't have access or the money to buy a Non-Jet Head like the Marnal head,I'll give you solutions to remove the mca jets of the stock head completly.Why the jets are a problem? this head have an extra valve (jet) for emissions,this extra valve allow extra air enters the cylinder chamber and help burning the fuel better to have less emissions,but this desing have a flaw this jets are made in steel and the head is in aluminum.You know the difference between the two right? Steel and aluminum react different to heat,steel heats up to greater temps than aluminum and expand at different heat temps than aluminum.In this case that is the problem.When the steel expand on a different temp than the aluminum head at high temps thats when you got the crack in the head generally ocurring between the number 2 & 3 cylinders this is because of the desing of the intake manifold i'm going to write about that in other post,anyway another problem is stuck open jets causing a lean condition in the cylinder or cylinders and -> lean=more heat=higher temps=cracked head
this are some solutions for that..
The most cheap way is the Jet Valve Elimination Kit
They simply screw into the stock jet valve location and block off the passage,this eliminates the stuck open jet problem, but don't remove the steel shroud in the chamber that cause the cracks.
If your StarQuest is stock don't have heating problems have good compression etc this is a good and cheap way to keep things in order and eliminate the stuck open jet problem.A cheeper way to do the same as the jvek is removing the jet screw adjusters and leave them like that,this way the jets are always closed.
The other solution:
My 87' Starion head have this mod
For this you need to remove the head from the engine,this solution involves removing the steel shrouds and jets with aluminum.
By far this is the best solution for the stock head,i have clients cars with the head modded like this running 1.5 bar 250 to 300 hp daily drivers for years without problems this include my 87 daily driver running 1.0 Bar for more than 5 years without any problems.
However this is not better than a Non-Jet head or a caravan head (caravan head don't have jet-valves)
The caravan head is a great upgrade they don't have mca-jets but you need to mod this things:
You need to use the Starion/Conquest exhaust valves because they are stellite treated (for turbo aplications,turbo cars work on higher temps than n/a cars). You need to swap the Caravan camshaft to a Starion/Conquest camshaft.
The rockers (valvetrain) on the caravan head & the valvetrain on the caravan are mechanical rockers. But, the caravan head have longer valves then the later year Starion/Conquest from 85 and later.The 83' & 84' StarQuest had the long valves like the caravan head. So you would need to find the 83 valves for it to be direct swap into the mech valvetrain in your caravan head, swap out the exhaust valves for the StarQuest Stellite valves.Other option with this Head is using the later year StarQuest exhaust valves but you need longer screw adjusters instead of the short ones that are in the caravan head.
The last option and less cheaper is a Clearwater, Marnal or Alabama head.
My personal favorite is the Clearwater head i have it in my 86 Starion and i installed many of them without any problem is a great cylinder head and for the price and warranty you can not get a better deal than this head $375 plus shipping and 5 year warranty.

My personal favorite is the Clearwater head i have it in my 86 Starion and i installed many of them without any problem is a great cylinder head and for the price and warranty you can not get a better deal than this head $375 plus shipping and 5 year warranty.

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